af Ulla Bechsgaard, Jyllands-Posten

" Bogen kunne lige så vel være skrevet til mænd, som er optagede af balance mellem selvstændig virksomhed og familien. Den er god, fordi den italesætter udfordringen med at være et engageret menneske, der vil skabe egen forretning samtidig med at bevare et nært forhold til sine børn.
Det er ikke udsædvandligt, at businesskvinder underdriver deres interesse for egne børn for at sikre, at de bliver taget alvorligt som forretningskvinder. I denne bog har de fået et talerør.
Tak for det.
Alt i alt en fin og inspirerende bog, som jeg gerne anbefaler."

" En velskrevet og velovervejet bog til de kvinder som insisterer på, både at være selvstændig erhvervsdrivende og få optimal tid og overskud til familielivet."
- lektørudtalelse (Bibliotekernes vurdering >>). 

Christine Gouchault BusinessMor
Cover Business Mum by Christine Gouchault

“A Life Saving Guide
 – How to Build a Strong Business While Raising Your Family “

"Business Mum" is a three-step guide for women who want to create a life where having your own business and having a family do not exclude one another. 

The book prepares you for potential obstacles during the start-up phase, as well as the growing pains you might encounter. It provides you with different tools and exercises that will help you solve the problems as they occur and guide you through the different phases of developing and marketing your product or service.

Ten successful self-employed mums who have managed to juggle career and family and create a happy and well-balanced life also share their struggles and give you their best advice to succeed. 

The combination of real inspiring stories from the mums and the author herself, mixed with theory, makes this the self- help book any business owner should have to succeed.

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Copyright Christine Gouchault 2025